Turning Point, an Open Floor, online moving meditation cycle
A weekly drop in class, online every Wed morning from 8 – 9.15 am GMT The movement meditation cycle; sitting, walking, moving I like this definition of turning:To move in a circular direction wholly or partly round an axis, a centre point.What if the axis is Spirit? And we invite ourselves into alignment and connection with our own understanding of that word?
Cyber Soul, an Open Floor online drop in session
A weekly online drop in class, open to all, every Monday from 7-8.15 p.m GMT Each week, I will provide a soundscape of all kinds of music and a simple movement exploration from the Open Floor map. Beginners and old timers alike are welcome We’ll keep it simple, gather, settle our attention, enter, explore and settle again – through breath, movement and cyber soul community:)
Turning Point, an Open Floor, online moving meditation cycle
A weekly drop in class, online every Wed morning from 8 – 9.15 am GMT The movement meditation cycle; sitting, walking, moving I like this definition of turning:To move in a circular direction wholly or partly round an axis, a centre point.What if the axis is Spirit? And we invite ourselves into alignment and connection…
Cyber Soul, an Open Floor online drop in session
A weekly online drop in class, open to all, every Monday from 7-8.15 p.m GMT Each week, I will provide a soundscape of all kinds of music and a simple movement exploration from the Open Floor map. Beginners and old timers alike are welcome We’ll keep it simple, gather, settle our attention, enter, explore and…