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Turning Point, an Open Floor, online moving meditation cycle

A weekly drop in class, online every Wed morning from 8 - 9.15 am GMT

February 5 @ 8:00 am 9:15 am

A repetition of breath awareness, walking meditation and movement.
All are welcome.

I like this definition of turning:
To move in a circular direction wholly or partly round an axis, a centre point.
What if the axis is Spirit? And we invite ourselves into alignment and connection with our own understanding of that word?
What if the cyclical focus of breath moving in and out, foot stepping after foot and the organic free flow of movement through your body was your beat, your repetition, your meditation.
What would turn? What would settle? What would presence itself?

The class is €14 – €16

You can register in advance for the session at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/o_3d_fsmS3qlpeE_UJpkNg

Please click on this link to make payment:

Online via Zoom