BISO Training, Module 7, Belgium
Sep 5 - 8
A Training for our times. A Training in togetherness as things fall apart. A training in resources on how to bring together self, community, creativity and prayer.
Sep 5 - 8
A Training for our times. A Training in togetherness as things fall apart. A training in resources on how to bring together self, community, creativity and prayer.
Mod 2 Sep 19 - 22 . This series of three connected workshops will expand and deepen the exploration of the content of Libido Fundamentals in a wider context and ongoing study of relationship - Intimacy, Libido, Presence...
A weekly online drop in class, open to all, every Monday from 7-8.15 p.m BST
Each week, I will provide a soundscape of all kinds of music and a simple movement exploration from the Open Floor map. Beginners and old timers alike are welcome
We'll keep it simple, gather, settle our attention, enter, explore and settle again - through breath, movement and cyber soul community:)
A weekly online drop in class, open to all, every Monday from 7-8.15 p.m BST
Each week, I will provide a soundscape of all kinds of music and a simple movement exploration from the Open Floor map. Beginners and old timers alike are welcome
We'll keep it simple, gather, settle our attention, enter, explore and settle again - through breath, movement and cyber soul community:)
Oct 4 - 6
An Art in Motion workshop, we will call in the muse of Allowing with all the potential it has for us, all the creativity and expression waiting for us, through moving, listening and being...
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