Rising and Falling, Oost West Centre, Antwerp
Jan 31 - Feb 2, a BISO, Body in Soul weekend. The pure poetry of being alive, mastering the art of Rising and Falling paves a pathway to re-enter your sphere of presence...
Jan 31 - Feb 2, a BISO, Body in Soul weekend. The pure poetry of being alive, mastering the art of Rising and Falling paves a pathway to re-enter your sphere of presence...
A weekly online drop in class, open to all, every Monday from 7-8.15 p.m GMT
Each week, I will provide a soundscape of all kinds of music and a simple movement exploration from the Open Floor map. Beginners and old timers alike are welcome
We'll keep it simple, gather, settle our attention, enter, explore and settle again - through breath, movement and cyber soul community:)
A weekly drop in class, online every Wed morning from 8 - 9.15 am GMT
The movement meditation cycle; sitting, walking, moving
I like this definition of turning:
To move in a circular direction wholly or partly round an axis, a centre point.
What if the axis is Spirit? And we invite ourselves into alignment and connection with our own understanding of that word?
A weekly online drop in class, open to all, every Monday from 7-8.15 p.m GMT
Each week, I will provide a soundscape of all kinds of music and a simple movement exploration from the Open Floor map. Beginners and old timers alike are welcome
We'll keep it simple, gather, settle our attention, enter, explore and settle again - through breath, movement and cyber soul community:)
The Gathering, a six week BISO online closed group, Feb 11, 18, 25 Mar 4, 18 and 25 (no session on Mar 11) - we open to the exploration of the movement of Acceptance...
A weekly drop in class, online every Wed morning from 8 - 9.15 am GMT
The movement meditation cycle; sitting, walking, moving
I like this definition of turning:
To move in a circular direction wholly or partly round an axis, a centre point.
What if the axis is Spirit? And we invite ourselves into alignment and connection with our own understanding of that word?
A weekly online drop in class, open to all, every Monday from 7-8.15 p.m GMT
Each week, I will provide a soundscape of all kinds of music and a simple movement exploration from the Open Floor map. Beginners and old timers alike are welcome
We'll keep it simple, gather, settle our attention, enter, explore and settle again - through breath, movement and cyber soul community:)
The Gathering, a BISO online closed group, Tuesdays 5-7pm GMT, Feb 11, 18, 25 Mar 4, 18 and 25 (no session on Mar 11). We open to the exploration of the movement of Acceptance...
A weekly drop in class, online every Wed morning from 8 - 9.15 am GMT
The movement meditation cycle; sitting, walking, moving
I like this definition of turning:
To move in a circular direction wholly or partly round an axis, a centre point.
What if the axis is Spirit? And we invite ourselves into alignment and connection with our own understanding of that word?
A weekly online drop in class, open to all, every Monday from 7-8.15 p.m GMT
Each week, I will provide a soundscape of all kinds of music and a simple movement exploration from the Open Floor map. Beginners and old timers alike are welcome
We'll keep it simple, gather, settle our attention, enter, explore and settle again - through breath, movement and cyber soul community:)
The Gathering, a BISO online closed group, Tuesdays 5-7pm GMT, Feb 11, 18, 25 Mar 4, 18 and 25 (no session on Mar 11). We open to the exploration of the movement of Acceptance...
A weekly drop in class, online every Wed morning from 8 - 9.15 am GMT
The movement meditation cycle; sitting, walking, moving
I like this definition of turning:
To move in a circular direction wholly or partly round an axis, a centre point.
What if the axis is Spirit? And we invite ourselves into alignment and connection with our own understanding of that word?
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