Today is Solstice, Winter and Summer as the Earth’s North Pole tilts furthest away from the Sun and it’s South Pole tilts fully towards it.
The word Solstice comes from the Latin, solstitium which means ‘Sun stands still’.
At the Solstice there’s an invitation for us to mirror a deep planetary stillness.
At the furthest lean of it’s tilt toward or away from the Sun, the Earth rests a moment – a day or two before continuing it’s orbit.
The seven or so hours of light in the Northern hemisphere and fifteen or so in the Southern hang in the ether – just being.
Like the lighthouse, across the water from my home.
Still, ever present.
Sending signals of information. It’s red pulse flashes warmth and presence every ten seconds as darkness falls—each lighthouse along the coast of the island has a slightly different interval between light beams.
They begin their slow heart beat ever earlier in these beautifully dark, short days here in the Northern Hemisphere. As we lean further and further from the Sun, we reach for light in other ways. There are extra candles, lights in windows, trees and hedges, strung up across city streets and village crossroads.
Beacons lighting the darkness.
Somehow the light they give accentuates the darkness even more, I feel them as a reassurance that it’s ok to go into the dark, it’s ok to light the firer earlier, pause a little more, sleep a little longer. Listen a little deeper. Reach for the company and community you can be quiet with – your own company and the community of others.
In the extraordinary times we are living through, the falling and the crumbling there is excavation to be done and much to listen deeply to.
There is work to be done, layers and layers to move though, dance with, express, be in community with. Accept and soften to.
And so the world turns…
I see our conscious dance community of so many wonderful modalities and maps as beacons of presence, light and community – like lighthouses.
Each offering a beacon of potential and possibility in this largely online spider web of connection – the world wide web.
Each offering an exploration of who we are as humans being – creative, alive, essential.
I am learning and loving so much about working online in these times, as well as drop in classes I run cycles of six week, closed, committed groups that are proving to be deep resources of movement, creativity and community. Working with Open Floor, 5 Rhythms, Art in Motion, shamanic practice, meditation and enquiry.A